The European Union needs to redress a $10-12 billion imbalance in farm produce trade with the United States and adapt its food safety rules to reflect “sound science”…
The European Union needs to redress a $10-12 billion imbalance in farm produce trade with the United States and adapt its food safety rules to reflect “sound science”…
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Today marks the 10th death anniversary of Dr Norman E Borlaug (1914-2009)…
The fourth annual trip is scheduled for Nov…
The volume of bananas imported to China grows faster as import bananas become more popular with Chinese consumers…
Chicago corn futures fell on Tuesday after a report from the U.S…
La industria de las berries se encuentra en franco crecimiento y en Jalisco son alrededor de ocho mil hectáreas las sembradas generando 64 mil empleos…
El Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS)…
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue this week again said China could triple its purchases of U.S…
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Smartphones and tablets have proven invaluable for remote control of pivot irrigation systems due to the technology designed into today’s products…